Friday, 26 October 2007
Reasons to go to British Museum
A few days ago, Miss Moto and I visited the British Museum in London. We thoroughly enjoyed the trip, as we have a mutual interest in Ancient Egypt. Look at some of the lovely objects we were able to see and be inspired!
Observe, the Rosetta stone, the object which first allowed investigators to understand hieroglyphs because it contains writing in Greek and two Egyptian scripts. Originally, it was found by during Napoleon's expedition of Egypt, but it was subsequently taken by the British, when they won the war in 1815.
Although I am unsure about what the provenance of this statue is, I do remember that the paint on it is the original and survives in remarkable quantity all over the statue. Not bad for 3000 year old workmanship.
Finally, an elegant mummy, which reminds us all why the Egyptians are so renowned for craftsmanship. This elegant example shows what, I believe, is an example of a fairly late mummy (IE from the 20th dynasty). Surprisingly life like is n't it? And so elegant, the Egyptians really understood form.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Cafe Lumiere goes commercial
Once on the blog, I suggested that we use hemp paper as a means of saving trees. Hemp paper would save the carbon stored in trees being unlocked, prevent the loss of useful carbon dioxide/ oxygen converters, help to save the rain forests and reduce the carbon foot print of transporting the trees to the uk to be processed.
After some effort I have secured some hemp paper. It is therefore, with some delight that I announce that Cafe Lumiere has gone commercial. For more details and the chance to order some paper look at the following webpage on ebay:
Britain’s balance of trade concerning people, myths and traditions.
To an observer of such things, it is curious that so many old myths and traditions have a habit of surviving and popping up in the most unusual of places given their origins. Once upon time,
The British fixation with Roman and Greek history, myths and religion is also another curious case of customs coming in and then going out; just like some warehouse full of goods. Stock comes in, is changed in some small way and is then exported again to some unrelated place. If you were some external observer, perhaps a human from a tribe who had had no dealings with the outside world until recently, would it not seem remarkable that characters such as Hermes and Venus should still be referred to in the language at all? Would not seem even curiouser that the state religion of
Then there is the unusual case of King Arthur, who Churchill described as the last of the Romans. This great “British” icon, is considered an exemplar of national virtue, yet those very virtues were imported (or enforced) by romans. This then, was a deficit on the part of
Ultimately, Anglicanism and its variants was exported around the world, having in the first place been imported from many different nations. The lesson to learn, I suppose, is that no people or nation exist in a vacuum, but rather are a result of a collection of influences acting upon it. People are also slow to abandon religious customs, but seem able to acquire new ones within an existing framework. Truly an unusual balance of trade – but one which seems to have balanced itself somehow.