Saturday, 22 June 2013

So, that was a while, but I am back!

You know - it is funny how the future is discernible I past work. I am looking back over my blog today - and I am struck by how much it resembles the books I have gone on to write. There are a number of features which look decidedly like my book on essay writing. So, there is the use of pictures very frequently; the use of writing is also key. The blog also uses light-heartedness mixed in with occasional seriousness to make a point. There is an educational slant to its contents. I notice the last time I wrote on it was Christmas 2011, which was just about the same time as I started writing "Essay Writing Guide". The time off was well spent indeed! If you have not already heard about these projects from me, you may be interested to see: and I have grown fond of the blog and I may well be adding some updates before long. Enjoy all!