There has been much talk of immigration of late. One aspect that sometimes creeps into the debate is the “British” test that has recently been employed to test whether someone is suitable for to have the title “Briton”. I suggest that the current system of esoteric knowledge about pocket and customs is a fair attempt, but it could be improved to just one simple test – does the candidate possess a sense of ironic humour?
If the person questioned does posses this faculty then they should be allowed in, if they don’t I think it is unlikely they would qualify as a Briton. Of course there would be an appeals procedure and if, during that appearance, their humour could be demonstrated then citizenship should be granted.
A possible example of ironic humour would be something quoted from the First World War. A fresh private arrived at the front at said to a seasoned soldier “I have heard the front is really bad, the pit of humanity, is it true?”
The senior solder replied “its a holiday, the only thing that stops it being heaven is they don’t make the cornbeef quite right.”
I use this as an example, I hope the principle is clear. Just imagine what a nation of phlegmatic comedians will be created with this humour. I certainly think it a better test than the ability to learn customs from a book!
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