The other day, I took a whole load of things to a charit shop. Included in there were some old exercise books from when I was still at school!
I could hardly believe, when I saw them in a white hold all, that they were still there, 10 years after I finished school! I looked in there, and memories came flooding back. For a moment I was almost tempted to keep them - because you know - they have sentimental value.
On the other hand, I saw the dust, the beginnings of mould and the mustiness of them; and I thought to myself enough was enough! In the bin they went!
It seemed there was no easy way of disposing of exercise books. Unlike other books, I would feel a total heel giving those to a charity shop, clearly a used exercise book is of no real value to anyone. So, I sureptiously dropped a couple of books in each of the bins I passed by in Ashford (Kent).
I was well aware that there were cameras in the city centre and I continue to be mindful against any kind of accusuation of fly tipping - so if the Police start asking you questions - you don't know who could possibly have dupped those books in the bins - ok?! And it certainly has nothing to do with those old school maths and biology text books from the 1990s - got it?!
Joking aside, I felt a tremendous sense of relief and even release at letting all these things go. It was like getting rid of all the dead wood from a forest - one morns the loss - but one also appreciates that it is a necessary step to allowing new growth.
To be honest, I have been doing a lot of clearing out of old things - much of which I still had left over from Leicester - like shirts that were too big to wear anymore. I have also been passing out things like old model cars (left over from my childhood) and somehow, with each no longer needed item that I put asside I felt somewhat clearer about who I was now. Try it - you might like it!