The other day, I took a whole load of things to a charit shop. Included in there were some old exercise books from when I was still at school!
I could hardly believe, when I saw them in a white hold all, that they were still there, 10 years after I finished school! I looked in there, and memories came flooding back. For a moment I was almost tempted to keep them - because you know - they have sentimental value.
On the other hand, I saw the dust, the beginnings of mould and the mustiness of them; and I thought to myself enough was enough! In the bin they went!
It seemed there was no easy way of disposing of exercise books. Unlike other books, I would feel a total heel giving those to a charity shop, clearly a used exercise book is of no real value to anyone. So, I sureptiously dropped a couple of books in each of the bins I passed by in Ashford (Kent).
I was well aware that there were cameras in the city centre and I continue to be mindful against any kind of accusuation of fly tipping - so if the Police start asking you questions - you don't know who could possibly have dupped those books in the bins - ok?! And it certainly has nothing to do with those old school maths and biology text books from the 1990s - got it?!
Joking aside, I felt a tremendous sense of relief and even release at letting all these things go. It was like getting rid of all the dead wood from a forest - one morns the loss - but one also appreciates that it is a necessary step to allowing new growth.
To be honest, I have been doing a lot of clearing out of old things - much of which I still had left over from Leicester - like shirts that were too big to wear anymore. I have also been passing out things like old model cars (left over from my childhood) and somehow, with each no longer needed item that I put asside I felt somewhat clearer about who I was now. Try it - you might like it!
I am currently decluttering also.
Hey Medically Brunette - nice to hear from you. I really recommend a bit of decluttering - I always feel better for it and I can find things more easily.
Keeping de-clutered is a different matter; many things seem to enter life and it can be hard to know what to keep and what to throw away. However, when the decision has been made, and just the good stuff remains - it is a nice feeling to behold that 'desired stuff' there infront of you. Have you been charity shopping?
Not charity shopping, more like charity donating. And endless scanning. I wish I had scanned my notes from day 1 med school. Carrying around 100+ ring binders is not feasible. That would be one of my tips to those starting med school. Scan notes!
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