You may, or thanks to google spam, may not have noticed the spam messages that people seem to post on the blog.
Its really quite odd in some ways; I would have thought that if you had products like bridal gowns, pharmacutical products, money making schemes, why would you choose this blog to post such comments on?
The entry on hemp, for example, has had 12 spam entries on it to date. I am delighted that people are reading it. Nevertheless, I find it surprising that people should be scouring the internet in search of another blog to advertise their products on.
I am also hopeful that someone will add some irrelevant spam here, just to prove the point. For once, I might even be ammenable to having some 'unwanted' speil in order to prove the wider point.
Hmm, all of a sudden I am thinking of book titles. The thought of "A brief History of Lasagne flashed before my eyes" maybe its sign I should go to bed.
wow that must be the most delicious food XD!! wanna you visit my blog at hanazumishin.blogspot.com
I can't work out if that comment above is real or spam!
I strongly suspect that that was real spam - but it just shows what a bit of expectation can produce!! I wonder if I wrote something about becomming a millionaire what would happen!
I have all my settings so that comments have to be authorised by myself before publication. Even though my blog has been untouched for ages I still receive Russian spambots regularly
Do you think there is some kind of Arthurian knight called "Sir Spam-alot" or perhaps the "Spaminator" or some such dodgy name?!
Hmm, perhaps it could be featured on the Apprentice - Alan Sugar would like to fire this candidate I think...
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