Friday 29 January 2010

Making progress

Dear Readers,

I have some, moderate progress to report.

On Monday, I went to London, where I had not one, but two job interviews; both working in education, both teaching over the Easter period.

Today, I received a letter from one of the interviews to say I had a job! God be praised!!

Admitedly, the work is confined, at the moment, to just the Easter period. That does leave the small matter of what I am going to do for work after April; but I will think of something.

In the mean time, I am pleased I have received some recognition at last. Like a bird flying over the city, I am above the smog, but not out of the grey area yet.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Job applications

I am currently filling in Job applications - could anything be worse?!

Its not just doing one that is problem - its the steady stream of feeling that nothing very much is happening.

All too easily one get's thoughts like "what am I doing wrong?" and "maybe this is not cut out for me?"

Really, however, this is not the case. The simple fact is that usually speaking you have to make lots of applications. Sometimes you are lucky and find something quickly, and sometimes you are not.

Nevertheless, I could really do with some good news on the workfront. It would be really nice to feel that I could get down to some useful work soon.

Stay tuned as developments arise.