Today I had my last lecture of this academic year and indeed my whole course. For that reason, like many other students this week, I am taking a little time to reflect on the way of life coming to an end.
I am pretty pleased with my progress this term and that I have managed to stick this extremely intense course. Just to give you some idea of the work load, it aims to fit the “just enough” of the psychology second and third year degrees to pass both the Holloway exams and the exams for recognition by the BPS (British Psychological Society). That means about 1.5-2 times the normal work load – and in a subject that you have not studied before! Couple this with a student job (15 hours a week) and I think you’ll agree, I have been one busy bunny! Still, the real challenge now waits – exam preparation.
More generally, students all round me seem to be in one of three states: jubilant excitement, stressed owing to final deadlines and reflection because of their students days coming to an end. Last night for example, as I worked away in the computer centre, I heard outside the noise of a traffic bollard being played like a trumpet. Its majestic and triumphant and deep notes seemed a fitting end to the end of lectures.
Other students were running screaming various jubilatory things at one another and a few people were in the computer centre with anxious looks on their faces, trying to complete work before the deadline. Cans of Red Bull were at their sides, as were cans of the new drink Restless. Students talked with one another – trying to work out the best way to copy each other’s work without being caught, others, preferring their own input alone worked on as best they could in the hubbub. I would suggest that if the university wished to catch many of the plagiarists, members of staff could be posted (under cover) in the computer centre the night before the deadlines. This would do the job of sifting out the rogue agents more affectively than any computer programme. Such an intrusion would, however, verge on an invasion of privacy (in my opinion anyway).
The custom that sticks out most is that of queuing for the Summer Ball ticket, which is almost requirement in order to graduate properly (for the first degree anyway). I am choosing not to go this year. Firstly, I wish to save the extortionate £65 per ticket. Secondly, I feel that I have already had one send off with my year group and I don’t wish to spoil the happy memories of that wonderful night with something that can never be as good as that time. I have done it once before and most of the people I knew have now moved on.
I hope to be moving on myself to a master’s course at
I can only say I wish I had had the luck to attend such a wonderful university. You are very fortunate but you deserve it all.
Thank you for your kind comments. I aspire to worthy of such a great building. It really is a gem is n't?
Ah mein Bruder. You always have been a busy boy. I believe you will find that the new drink is called Relentless rather than Restless though. Although Restless the energy drink undoubtedly has a certain ring to it. Maybe I shall steal that little idea one day. :)
Steal is such an ugly word. Perhaps, you could use it and give me a proportion of the proceeds/credit? Please text me your new number again by the way.
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