Currently, I am working in a site of historical interest in Sussex. It I an unusual site because it contains a medieval structure, but also later developments – including a school. Today there is going to be a wedding here and I am getting ready to for it. I hope it turns out well, although the weather at the moment is somewhat rainy.
As I sit here I am thinking of the new Maroon 5 album ' it won't be soon before long' which I recently bought. I will review it here.
This is a good album with a number of catchy songs. I especially the b sides on this album such as 'back at your door' and 'better that we break'. Other songs, such as sweet kiwi, whilst acceptable, lack the 'humability' of other songs on the previous album ' Songs about Jane'.
Another difference between the two albums is there thematic nature. Songs about Jane was a concept album and achieved an excellent sense of unity and progression from a simple love affair to something deeper and darker. It won't be soon before long', by contrast has no story riding through it which I think is a shame. Instead, Maroon 5 have turned more 'poppy' with this album they confine themselves to love songs.
Adam Levine et al are such clever and talented people. They demonstrated on songs about Jane that they could play in a variety of styles and use quite different sounds between songs; whilst also keeping a strong rhythm going. Instead, it would be soon before long is more one dimensional. The album is good, but would be better with some acoustic numbers and a few where Adam Levine sang high and low. Topics other than love and relationships might have featured on the album such as what the band were doing between 2002 and 2007.
Overall, I give this album 7.5/10. It is easy to listen to and it grows on one. At least 4 songs are catchy and the rest are acceptable. Buy this album if you want 80's inspired pop/indie songs or you liked songs about Jane – but don't expect to be totally blown away.
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