To regular readers of the blog, you may have noticed that there has been a high number of white anglo-saxon males and (usually) protestant at that. Though this group has done much that is credible, the cafe wishes to acknowledge the very considerable part played in our world by people outside this group.
This week, then it is with great pleasure we announce….
Morgan Freeman – our congratulations to you a free cup of coffee awaits you at your convenience.
Morgan Freeman was born in 1937 in
It was during the 1990s that Freeman came to popular attention. A number of strong supporting roles, which included the respected films ‘shawshank redemption’ and ‘Amistad’ raise his status to that of a house hold name. It is for this reason, Morgan, that we give you this week’s prize!
(my thanks to Wikipedia for the photograph)
And which of his roles is your favourite? I like him in Moll Flanders.
I think the role in Amistad is my favourite. Freeman captures the dignity that is innate in human beings which makes slavery obnoxious.
I also think he did very well in Bruce Almighty!
He doesn't do too badly in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves either, given that he was largely acting alongside the piece of wood that is Kevin Costner.
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