Thursday, 28 June 2007

How you can eat an organic meal every day for less than 40p.

Given the references in the press and academic studies that heightened levels of pesticides have been linked to raised chances of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, it seems pertinent to describe how you can have at least one organic meal day, just as I do.

It is quite simple, all that is required is to buy some organic breakfast cereal and some milk – et voila! Currently I mainly eat porridge oats. Being a slow release food it is inclined to keep me filled up; and I understand that it can help reduce fat from other parts of the diet. I recommend this start to the day to anyone.

Cost wise, its pretty effective too. I think you can get about one week's worth of food out of a standard large packet of porridge 750g and four pints of milk. Organic milk will cost somewhere between £1-£1.50 for four pints (more than you need probably but we'll be generous) £1.50/7= 21. Oats vary in price, but £1.08 is a figure I have seen quite often at the supermarket I work at. £1.08/7= 15.4, the two together makes 36.4p! Pretty good value I think!

Somtimes, when I don't feel like porridge, I move over to organic bran flakes. Fortunately, both of these meal options are available on the café’s menu.


Joseph Broad said...

Berties biodynamic Syrah.
100% organic.
Counts as your daily glass as red as well, funnily enough.

Moto Fitzroi said...

I wonder what the alcoholic content would do to your liver and brain cells....