Greetings to you regular readers; I hope you did not find my temporary absence too perturbing. The main reasons for the lack of posts were: 1. my girlfriend, whom I rarely see, visited for a few days and 2. work both academic and paid prevented blogs.
In these three or so weeks before my exam season starts, however, I hope to be able to submit articles regularly. In the mean time then, a little news from me. My activities of late have revolved around trips work and sorting out paid work for the summer.
I recently visited Brighton (see yesterday's blog) and Worcester (see day after tomorrow's blog). Both trips went well. Worcester was especially pleasing for its abundance of medieval memorabilia in the cathedral. Any excuse to go down the M4 (one of my favourites motorways) is always appreciated.
I also worked at my regular jobs including the Sainsbury petrol station. I also worked at a wedding: this must have gone well since not single glass was broken, unlike other times! The menu included Pork with cider sauce, which the cafe proprietor may attempt himself after the exams. Invitations to that happy event are strictly limited.
For those of you who do not yet know, I will be marking exam papers this summer; I am looking forward to it very much. In particular I will be delighted to see what the mark scheme requires for the highest grades.
Just in case there is any kind of prohibition on discussing the work, I will not mention specifically what papers I am marking or which board I am working for. Suffice it to say that I will be marking history scripts for a well known exam board that operates mainly in the UK. I will be assessing work from various time periods but I hope to move more towards the Middle Ages as I gain experience. The perennially popularity of the Nazi orientated papers, however, means I should probably pay that period attention as well in order to ensure regular work.
I might ask if they would let me assess Psychology papers next year if this period of work goes well. Work at dear old Heathrow airport might also be worth doing.
Tomorrow, I am going to be buying a present for my younger sister. I expect we will buy a tropical fish - but it is possible something else will catch her eye.
If you are taking history papers this season you might find that it was marked in the apartments above the cafe; lucky old you! Attempts to influence my marking through singing in the main cafe will not have any effect on your marks - I can't say fairer than that...
(my thanks to Mr. Wikipedia.org for the use of the image).
Dear Mr Fitzroi,
If only this reader was taking History papers this summer! Then he would have a reason to visit your charming little café to sing some Billy Joel and play on the piano, not to influence his marks at all, but merely to entertain.
Moving on. A tropical fish, you say? How splendid? May this concerned reader not recommend a lionfish, what with them being poisonous and all... They look good on the covers of books an' all, though.
Anyway, this third-person reader has nothing left to say, so will bid you good day,
Autumn Blake.
I hope to post an update on the fish tanks in the cafe soon. Photographs were taken today, but we'll have to see how they turned out before distributing them.
We did heed your comments about good looking fish that were not deadly. For these reasons we choose five new fish. Three were gold fish and two were guppies - none are poisonous. The cafe's fish keeper is most pleased about that: as taking deadly venom out of his body is not... yet... one of his job requirements.
As for the music, we hope to establish a music spot ever now and then. Please feel free to play your funky stuff any time!
Fish are nice. I look forward to seeing the photos when you upload them, then :)
My goodness...you have a dedicated fish keeper in your cafe? That's rather impressive... I hope that neither of your guppies get pregnant...
If music is welcome, then I shall most certainly visit your cafe to play, then.
What happens to pregnant guppies? As it happens I think they are both male, but we did once have a pregnant fish in the big tank.
In the mean time, play it again Sam, strike up a chord on the guitar!
If a guppy gets pregnant, it turns into a Pregnant Guppy, and, looking rather ungainly as it does so, is used by NASA for a few years to fly large components across America. (See link provided in previous comment).
I never said anything about playing the guitar :)
I just could n't help thinking that someone of your manifest good taste would probably be attached to guitar playing. Am I correct?
Compliments will get you everywhere.
I do indeed play guitar, but, alas, I don't really play piano. Much. Certainly not well enough to play any Billy Joel songs! :( Well, if you're ok with guitars in the cafe, then I will certainly oblige ^^.
Please do AB. My girlfriend asked if I might produce a list of music currently playing in the Cafe - what would you like to play?
Guitars, or any other instrument of your choice, within reason, are acceptable.
Would you permit something like this? It would be mighty fun to play, though I doubt that your clientel would be overly impressed... In that case, I shall opt for playing guitar and occasionally bass. The music? A range of songs by bands such as The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Simon & Garfunkel, Jethro Tull and Duskdrops. You might not have heard of the last band mentioned there, and I would not blame you for not being familiar with their work. Mike Oldfield's works would also be played, but I think a CD player would be a better choice than a single musician...
Autumn Blake, do not discard the gong. It would create a very special atmosphere in the special events that take place in the café. However, one of smaller dimensions might be more sensible, as too much vibration might risk the preservation of the fish tanks.
Gosh, this has got long! How lovely....!
I feel a blog coming on.... Live music night at Cafe Lumiere!
Thank you for your comments Autumn Blake and Panna Cotta. Aumtumn Blake, does your name link to the poet Blake or some other note worthy.
If the explanation might compromise your identity don't feel you need to answer.
A smaller gong? Well, if it's for the sake of the fish!
As for my name, Mr Fitzroi, it's one of those Internet nicknames which just kinda happens. While playing a certain online roleplaying game, I wanted to create a new character, so needed to come up with a new name for him. Autumn Blake was that name, and it seems to have stuck. I've been through several online identities over the years, and this is probably the most inspired name that I've used ^^. No real link to the poet, though, except for the fact that I stole his surname !
Good one, thanks for the explanation Mr Autumn Blake. Time presses on and I have not written a blog in a day or two.
I am toying with what to do next, but I hope to have something for you by the small hours of today.
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