I have decided to practice what I preach. Many self-help and Positive Psychology experiments have pointed to the power of envisaging where you want to be in the next 5 years and 10 years and working back from there using realistic goals as a means for making your dreams manifest. This method is likely to help you clarify what you want to do and the progression that will take you there. By breaking the large task into a series of related small episodes, you make it easier to see how each will happen – improving your chances of persevering with your goal. Without further a-do them:
10 years hence, I would like to be established in a promising career in some area of Positive Psychology/Social Psychology, or something very similar. I would like to mix both teaching and research. During the summer I would like to give lectures on how those who wish to can improve their emotional well being; find greater meaning in lives and help them find themselves. Ideally, I would own a house, or partly own a house by this time and be living with my girlfriend.
5 years hence, I hope to be just starting on my career in academia. I also hope to have passed my PHD with an excellent grade. I would be especially pleased if my viva went well, as I have thought for a long time, I perform very well in the spoken spontaneous environments.
1 ½ years time, I would like to be starting my PHD. I think my area of specialisation will be some aspect of self identity, though it might possibly be in some aspect of history and psychology or emotions and well being.
6 months, I hope to be starting my Masters course in Psychology research methods, probably at the
3 months, ideally, I would to get a 2.1 for this year’s postgraduate conversion course. That is not easy, given the amount of hard work that has been set; and my continued job at Sainsbury. However, I think it is possible. If this proves beyond me just now, as long as I get a 2.2, I will be able to study a Masters course. That will give me the time needed to raise my game to a PHD standard.
So now you know how it is done. All you have to do now is pay a visit to the blog to see how I am getting on!
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